Bleher Folientechnik Print film

Printing film

Adhesion-improved, heat-stabilized, food safe

Our optimont® Print film is pretreated for printing (corona or acrylate) and is characterized by its excellent flatness.

We can produce any desired format with or without counting strips on pallets in crystal clear, matt or white-opaque.

All our films are statically discharged during the cutting process.

If required, we can also offer an antistatic coating.



Daniel Blum, Sales Manager

Telefonnummer+49 71 52 - 99 77 3-21


Eric Geringer, Head of Sales

Telefonnummer+49 71 52 - 99 77 3-36

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Product Description Examples of use Delivery form Strength (µm)
optimont® 501

PET film biaxially oriented, crystal-clear, 1 side adhesion-improved surface, heat-stabilized, food safe, suitable for batch processing

BOPET film for all standard printing processes, laser printers and copiers; see-through window for packaging 100, 125, 175, 250